Pierre Gaska

A bit more about me

I’m a Product Owner (pronouns: he/him) with a background in UX Research, Business Administration and Business Development. Co-managing a business has given me unique insights into complex projects and what affects their success, negotiating in dichotomy between the user’s needs and the business requirements.

To keep learning and continuously improve is essential. I am learning from other members in my peer to peer group and other associations I am involved in. I am learning from customers and colleagues and simply by listening and being inquisitive. Standing still is not an option, pushing and expanding my comfort zone is what keeps me going.

Please feel free to reach out to me for a full-time or freelancing opportunity.

Who am I? And if so, how many?

Explorer Pierre Gaska

An Explorer.

I’ve worn many hats in my life. I’ve worked as a Deputy, Biz Dev, User Researcher, Set-runner, Account manager, Marketer.
I am honest about what I don’t know and I am excited about learning. I can easily adapt.

Advocate of the user

I am passionate about defining problems and coming up with creative solutions, all while weighing company/client values & goals with the goals of the user. I am able to translate skills I’ve learned in the past into valuable Product skills.
As a creator, collaborator, and advocate for the user, I strive to deeply understand the needs and challenges users face.

A Meticulous Maker

Working with small and complicated technical devices, I learned quickly how to solve a problem and think critically about technical failures. I love solving puzzles and my focus is always on the details. I learned how to interpret technical concepts and relay them to non-technical representatives with compassion & empathy.